Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Celebrate the 4th Annual Film Photography Day!

Today is Film Photography Day!

Celebrate by rummaging out your old analogue gear, drop in a roll of film and have some fun. No need to click along like the rest of the crowd. Shooting film is what all the cool kids do.

(c) Ray Pfeiffer
This image was made with film. And with a plastic camera besides!

And even if mom & dad always warned you about running with a different crowd, they would surely approve of this. After all, mom or dad probably had a film camera themselves. So pay homage to parents all the world over and shoot some film today. (Actually, you can shoot film any day you would like. Doing it today just makes it extra special!)

You'll feel better if you do.

Trust us. We wouldn't kid about something like this. We have film cameras ourselves...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Since I missed it, I'm going to practice for next year! I just have to find some place to develop it :)

  3. Hopefully we'll have a place for you by then... Keep your fingers crossed!
